OneCore Xero Feature Guide


Top Header Bar:

The top header bar shows the logged in user from the top-right corner. When clicking on the logged in user you have the option to Change Password or Logout:

The menu button allows you to minimize and maximize the left-pane menu:

Left Pane Menu:

The left pane menu allows you to view and set up your company’s integration settings between Procore and Xero. The menu options include:

  • Dashboard
  • Invoices
  • Direct Costs
  • Retention
  • Standard Cost Codes
  • Project Cost Codes
  • Sub Jobs
  • Vendors
  • Projects
  • Cost Types


Transaction Dashboard

The dashboard allows you to view any mapping errors as well as failed transactions, if the transaction isn’t going through.

You can filter by the date range:

Date Filter


Invoices has two options: General Settings and Head Contract.

General Settings allows you to set the Xero invoice date and due date for commitment and head contract claims, as well as a choice to create invoices in draft by default.

Head Contract allows you to choose whether the head contract claim number is generated by OneCore or Xero.

Direct Costs:

Direct Costs allows you to choose if you want to set spend money, credit notes, and/or manual journals to be a part of the integration. Here is where you can enable them.


Retention has three options: General Settings, Project Expense Retention, Project Revenue Retention.

General Settings allows you to select your default retention expense and revenue accounts, if you use it, as well as setting the default retention type.

Project Expense Retention allows you to map a default Xero retention account for each project for expenses i.e. commitment claims or direct costs.

Project Revenue Retention allows you to map a default Xero retention account for each project for revenue i.e. head contract claims .

Standard Cost Codes:

Standard Cost Codes has four options: General Settings, Expense Mapping, Revenue Mapping, Expense Cost Division.

General Settings allows you to update the Procore cost code and Xero account lists in OneCore, as well as set a default expense and revenue account for unbudgeted line items for commitments and head contracts within Procore.

Expense Mapping allows you to auto -map Procore cost codes to Xero expense accounts by name or code, or manually map them from unmapped cost codes.

Revenue Mapping allows you to auto -map Procore cost codes to a Xero revenue account. Or manually map them from unmapped cost codes.

Expense Cost Division allows you to manually map Procore cost divisions to Xero accounts. It also includes a warning that mapping to cost divisions will not work for direct costs.

Project Cost Codes:

Project Cost Codes has four options: Expense Mapping, Revenue Mapping, Default Expense Accounts, Default Revenue Accounts.

Expense Mapping allows you to auto -map Procore project cost codes to Xero expense accounts from the standard cost codes list, or manually map them from unmapped cost codes. If the project does not have standard cost codes, they will have to be manually mapped here.

Revenue Mapping you to auto -map Procore project cost codes to a Xero revenue account. Or manually map them from unmapped cost codes.

Default Expense Accounts allows you to set a default Xero expense account for each project, which takes precedence over the default account defined for standard cost codes.

Default Revenue Accounts allows you to set a default Xero revenue account for each project, which takes precedence over the default account defined for standard co st codes.

Sub Jobs:

Sub Jobs has three options: Sub Job Mapping, Expense Mapping, and Revenue Mapping.

Sub Job Mapping allows you to map Procore sub jobs to a Xero tracking category. If a sub job is not mapped the parent project will be used.

Expense Mapping allows you to auto -map Procore sub job cost codes to Xero expense accounts from the standard cost codes list, or manually map unmapped cost codes and divisions.

Revenue Mapping allows you to auto -map Procore sub cost codes to a Xero revenue account, or manually map them from unmapped cost codes.


Vendors has three options: General Settings, Mapping Wizard and Vendor Mapping.

General Settings allows you to update the Procore vendor and Xero contact lists in OneCore.

Mapping Wizard assists you in mapping Procore vendors to Xero contacts using a matching algorithm and provides a score.

Vendor Mapping allows you to auto -map Procore vendors to Xero contacts by name or ABN, or manually map them from unmapped vendors and contacts. It also allows you to export unmapped vendors and contacts to Xero or Procore.


Projects has two options: General Settings and Project Mapping.

General Settings allows you to set the Xero project tracking option to be able to track projects in Procore. It also allows you to update the Procore project list in OneCore.

Project Mapping allows you to map a Procore project to a Xero tracking category, as well as activate it for use.

Cost Types:

Cost Types has two options: General Settings and Cost Type Mapping.

General Settings allows you to set the Xero cost type tracking option to be able to track cost types in Procore. It also allows you to update the list of Procore cost types in OneCore.

Cost Type Mapping allows you to map a Procore cost type to a Xero tracking category.

Updated on December 11, 2023

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