What’s changed in OneCore MYOB March 23

Following Functionality has been changed/ added in this release:

  • Line item consolidation for head contracts
  • Line item consolidation for retention (HCC and CPC)
  • TXN dashboard
  • Tax mappings (CPC and reverse direct costs)
  • Auto-mappings of cost codes & apply all/apply unmapped if multimapping enabled
  • Exporting of various tables to excel file
  • Bulk export of contacts/vendors
  • Timesheet approval creating direct costs
  • Cost plus module

  • Line Item Consolidation for Head Contracts

Enabling this option will allow line item consolidations in the generated MYOB invoice.

Consolidated line item descriptions will have a description based on the number of grouped lines:

  • Item 1 – Total
  • Item 2 – Total
  • Retention
  • Retention Released
  • Line Item Consolidation for Retention (Head Contract Progress Claims and Commitment Progress Claims)

Consolidate Retention Line Items – Enabling this option will consolidate all retention into 2 line items:

  • Retention withheld
  • Retention released
  • TXN dashboard

This new dashboard features:

  • Additional transaction filter and search capabilities
  • Ability to replay transaction failures (max 5 attempts)
  • Ability to ignore/activate individual transaction failures
  • Configure automatic ignore of specific transaction failures

This new dashboard shows where the transactions originate ie Procore or MYOB.

You can search transactions on date range

There is a detailed log of all the transactions passing through the integration listed underneath.

The increased search capabilities allow you to filter on the various transaction fields: Received, Project, Event Type, Reference and Status.

If a transaction does not push through, it will register as a failure with a blue arrow.

Click the blue arrow to isolate that particular failure.

There will be a detailed reason why in the Status and Additional Info fields.

In this example a commitment claim failed. and the reason was unmapped cost code “03-000 General” used on line item 1.

To rectify you would

  • perform the one time cost code mapping (from unmapped cost code tab in revenue and expense mapping menus)
    • come back to the transaction in the log and click the Green replay button.

If there is a transaction failure and you do not need to action it, you can click the ignore button to remove it from your active error list.

If you see a failure and you do not understand the reason/do not know how to rectify simply take a screenshot and email into support@interfy.com.au and we will assist you.

  • Tax Mappings (Commitment Progress Claims and Reverse Direct Costs)

You can now use tax mapping to have MYOB line items reflect tax items set in Procore.

  • Auto-Mappings of Cost Codes & Apply all/apply unmapped if multimapping enabled

*Standard Cost Code Mapping

option to bulk map cost codes available now

* Standard Cost Code Mapping

  • Expense Cost Codes
  • Revenue Cost Codes

*Project Cost Codes Expense Mapping

Option to bulk map expense cost codes available now

*Project Cost Codes Revenue Mapping

Option to bulk map revenue cost codes available now

  • Exporting of various tables to Excel file

You can now export your transaction dashboard log to Excel

  • Bulk export of Contacts/Vendors

You can now export vendors into MYOB in bulk in addition to individually

You can now export MYOB customers bulk in addition to individually

  • Timesheet approval creating Direct Costs

If you use timecard and site diary you can now trigger the direct cost without having to close the site diary.

  • Cost Plus Module

Developed to Bridge the Cost Plus Gap for customers with Cost Plus projects

  • Adds on to your existing OneCore MYOB integration
  • Speeds up cost plus claims by helping you quickly identify and batch expenses onto cost plus claims
  • Removes human error by helping you easily keep track of which expenses have or have not already been claimed
  • Simple Wizard process in OneCore
  • Pushes a draft head contract claim into Procore
  • The usual integration takes over once the claim is approved
  • Detailed breakdown reports produced

Here’s a link to a demo video  Cost Plus Demo and setup (12 Mins),  as well as a link to our help site setup article Cost Plus | OneCore – Interfy Help

  • If you use the timesheet tool you will notice there is now a Cost Plus rate – this is for Cost Plus module users
  • If you would like further information/pricing on this Cost Plus Add On, or to book a live demo on this new tool, please email hello@interfy.com.au
  • Customer Feedback
  • If you have any feature suggestions, requests or feedback please email us at support@interfy.com.au
Updated on March 29, 2023

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