Raising zero dollar claims in MYOB

Raising a Procore claim where all line items have $0 for work completed this period:

If a claim is for $0, where all line items do not have an amount entered in the “work completed this period” field, OneCore won’t have any line items to provide to MYOB and will not process any further. Attempting to create a MYOB bill without line items will not work.

Raising a Procore claim where the net balance equals $0 for work completed this period:

OneCore will process all line items that have an amount entered in the “work completed this period” field (both positive and negative amounts). The bill is generated in MYOB as per the claim with a net amount of $0.

Further to this, if a bill is raised in MYOB with $0 and approved, it will remove the account and tax code for the line item and be automatically paid. This means MYOB won’t record a $0 amount against an account code.

Updated on September 16, 2020

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